Tuesday, April 2, 2013

DIY Sea Salt Spray!

YOU GUYS! I use this all the time.  It's my go-to for about a day or two out from my wash to keep my oil in check and to have a nice curl.

There are a milllllion recipes all over the internet everywhere forever but here is my favorite mixture:

  • 2 cups of very warm water
  • 2 tbsp pink Himalayan sea salt (or other sea salt... you could use table salt, I guess, even)
  • 2 tbsp cheap hair gel (the watery kind - I use the kind that you get in a HUGE tub for like, $2)
  • 1 tbsp leave in conditioner
  • Essential oil of your choice (totally optional and I never do this, but you COULD in theory)
  • clean, empty spray bottle
Mix together the gel and conditioner until well blended.  Add the warm water to your salt and stir until salt dissolves.  Once the salt has dissolved, add a little splash to your gel and conditioner mix and mix it in.  Add another little splash and mix in.  Keep adding splashes and mixing until you have incorporated 1/2 the water mix with the gel, then add the gel mixture to your spray bottle and top with the remaining water.  Shake to mix.

To use:  Spray on dry or damp hair and scrunch for texture.  Use as much as you like. Since I have curly hair, the more spray I use, the tighter my curls get.

Why can't you just mix everything together at once, you ask? Because if you just mix everything up at once, the gel and salt and conditioner don't blend in as easily.  Mixing the ingredients as I directed is the easiest way to make sure all your stuff gets blended up evenly.

Makes a good texturizer too, when I want to have pinned-up hair:

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